Monday, May 11, 2009


This past weekend, we jetted off to County Cork, Ireland. It is the most southern region of Ireland situated on the coast. Once we arrived at the Cork Airport and settled in for a bus ride into the city, I noticed this in the sky...

Ireland welcomed us with a rainbow. It was quite fitting. :)

On Saturday, we went to Kinsale, a bustling little village on the coast.

There was lots to see in Kinsale. We went into many little shops that lined the village streets, a church and a castle, though we went to check out the view of the harbor first.

This part of Ireland boasted rolling hills and greenery as far as the eye could see.

After walking to the harbor, we walked back into town to see this church.

Inside, it was very beautiful and peaceful.

If there is a cat anywhere nearby, we seem to find each other. I think I have found and petted cats in every country I've been in! haha.

This cat was very friendly and I was a little sad to leave him...

We found our way to Desmond Castle after lunch. It used to be a customs house for Kinsale, then a prison.

Everywhere you looked, there were colorful buildings. I think we saw every color of the rainbow represented at one point or another all over County Cork.

After visiting Kinsale, we went back to Cork City, where our hotel was, to walk around the area. I think Cork City is the largest city in the region, but it seemed to have a small-town feel. There were restaurants and shops on little side streets, while the main streets featured bigger department stores and the like.

This is the Holy Trinity Church. Outside, it is elegant and striking.

And inside, it is warm and welcoming.

On Sunday, we went to Blarney. We walked along a babbling creek, destination...

Blarney Castle!

Blarney Castle, of course, houses the Blarney Stone.

We climbed a spiral staircase to the top of the castle, where there were pretty views galore.

And here is the Blarney Stone. It is a block of bluestone that is supposed to endow the kisser with the gift of gab--great eloquence or skill at flattery.

Kissing the stone is quite a production. You have to lie on your back, hold onto two metal bars and lean backwards as someone holds you while you kiss the stone.

Surrounding the castle, there were extensive woodlands and guided paths. We walked around the woods for about an hour, admiring waterfalls and pretty flowers.

We found trees that were perfect for climbing...

...and even a little playground area with a tire swing. :)

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. The weather was on our side--it only rained one morning before we went out, but otherwise we were rain-free. It was a little chilly, but I had my winter coat handy. I really liked Ireland. There was pretty scenery everywhere and the people were very nice. I'd definitely go back if I could. :)